Top Best Paid Athletes All Time Revealed

Have you ever wondered who the highest-paid athletes of all time are? The athletes who have amassed staggering wealth and left a lasting impact on their respective sports? Prepare to be amazed as we unveil the top earners who have redefined the boundaries of financial success in the world of sports.

Have you ever wondered who the highest-paid athletes of all time are? The athletes who have amassed staggering wealth and left a lasting impact on their respective sports? Prepare to be amazed as we unveil the top earners who have redefined the boundaries of financial success in the world of sports.

From basketball legends to golf icons, these athletes have not only dominated their sports but also solidified their positions as the richest athletes in history. But who are these exceptional individuals, and how did they accumulate their immense wealth? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of sports and uncover the fortunes earned by these extraordinary athletes.

Key Takeaways:

  • The top earning athletes have amassed a combined $45.9 billion (adjusted for inflation) and $33.2 billion (nominal) through their sports careers.
  • NBA players dominate the list, with 13 entries, led by the legendary Michael Jordan.
  • The highest-paid athlete of all time is Michael Jordan, with a total lifetime earnings of $3.3 billion.
  • Tiger Woods ranks second on the list, with career earnings of $2.5 billion.
  • Despite the gender pay gap, Serena Williams stands as the highest-paid female athlete among the top 50 earners.

NBA Players Dominate the List of Highest Earners

Among the top 50 highest-paid athletes, NBA players have the most entries with 13 players on the list. This domination is led by Michael Jordan, who earned a significant portion of his wealth through his long-standing endorsement deal with Nike. NBA players have benefited from lucrative contracts, endorsements, and global opportunities, thanks to the NBA’s $24 billion TV deal. LeBron James, Shaquille O’Neal, Kobe Bryant, and other NBA superstars have also made it to the list of the highest-paid athletes of all time.

NBA Players on the List of Highest Earners
1. Michael Jordan
2. LeBron James
3. Shaquille O’Neal
4. Kobe Bryant
5. Kevin Durant
6. Stephen Curry
7. James Harden
8. Russell Westbrook
9. Chris Paul
10. Dwyane Wade
11. Damian Lillard
12. Paul George
13. Anthony Davis

Michael Jordan: The Highest-Paid Athlete of All Time

Michael Jordan stands at the pinnacle of athlete earnings, holding the title of the highest-paid athlete of all time. With lifetime earnings totaling a staggering $3.3 billion, Jordan’s financial success transcends his illustrious basketball career, owing much to his lucrative endorsement deals, particularly with Nike.

Jordan’s partnership with Nike and the unprecedented success of the Jordan Brand has propelled him to billionaire status. His earnings from Nike alone amount to over $1.8 billion, a testament to the enduring popularity and global appeal of his signature line of sneakers and apparel.

However, Nike is not the sole source of Jordan’s financial prosperity. Throughout his career, he has forged endorsement deals with other major brands, including Gatorade and Hanes, further enhancing his earnings and solidifying his status as a billionaire athlete.

Michael Jordan’s business acumen extends beyond endorsement deals. He has successfully ventured into various business endeavors, showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit. Jordan is the owner of the Charlotte Hornets NBA team and has made shrewd investments in other sectors.

The Jordan Brand: A Legacy in Sport and Fashion

The unparalleled success of the Jordan Brand has cemented Michael Jordan’s legacy as a global icon. This subsidiary of Nike, launched in 1997, has consistently dominated the athletic footwear and apparel market, resonating with athletes and sneaker enthusiasts alike.

The Jordan Brand’s influence extends far beyond basketball, permeating popular culture and fashion trends. Jordan’s signature sneakers, adorned with the iconic Jumpman logo, are highly coveted and sought-after by collectors worldwide.

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan’s journey to becoming the highest-paid athlete of all time is a testament to his unwavering dedication, relentless pursuit of excellence, and ability to leverage his sporting achievements into a global brand empire. His impact extends not only to the sports world but also to the realms of business, fashion, and popular culture.

“I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.” – Michael Jordan

As an athlete and businessman, Michael Jordan has set a standard that inspires future generations. His success serves as a beacon of motivation for aspiring athletes and entrepreneurs, showcasing the possibilities for financial wealth and influence in both the sports arena and the business world.

Tiger Woods: Second Highest-Paid Athlete

Tiger Woods is not only a legendary golfer but also one of the highest-paid athletes of all time. With career earnings totaling $2.5 billion, Woods has cemented his financial success through his remarkable golfing achievements and lucrative endorsement deals.

Throughout his career, Woods has been a marketing sensation, attracting major sponsors such as Accenture, American Express, EA Sports, General Motors, and Nike. These endorsement deals have significantly contributed to his substantial wealth, as he has become a prominent figure in the world of sports and advertising.

“I really miss competing and being out there with the guys, but I love it where I am right now, and I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of this team.”

Despite facing injuries and setbacks in recent years, Woods remains one of the top earners in the sports world. His career serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes, showcasing the incredible financial opportunities that can arise from talent, dedication, and strategic brand partnerships.

With his name firmly etched in sports history, Tiger Woods stands as a testament to the immense earning potential available to elite athletes.

Athletes from Various Sports on the List

The list of the highest-paid athletes is a testament to the diverse range of sports represented. Among the top 50 earners, athletes from eight different sports have made their mark in terms of earnings. This showcases the broad spectrum of sports in which athletes have achieved remarkable financial success through their careers and endorsement deals. The inclusion of multiple sports on the list highlights the incredible earning potential available for athletes across various fields. Let’s take a closer look at the sports that have produced some of the best-paid athletes of all time.

  • Basketball: As one of the most lucrative sports in terms of endorsements and contracts, basketball boasts a significant presence on the list, with notable players like Michael Jordan, LeBron James, and Kobe Bryant.
  • Golf: Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, and other golfers have secured substantial earnings through tournament winnings and endorsement deals with major brands.
  • Boxing: Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao have made their mark in the boxing world, bringing in significant paydays through highly anticipated and lucrative bouts.
  • Soccer: Renowned players like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have not only earned substantial salaries but also secured endorsement deals with global brands.
  • Baseball: With lucrative contracts and endorsement deals, baseball stars like Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter have earned their place among the highest-paid athletes.
  • Formula 1 Racing: The world of motorsports is well-represented by Formula 1 racers like Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel, who have amassed considerable wealth through race winnings and endorsements.
  • NASCAR: Legendary drivers like Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Jimmie Johnson have proven that racing on the NASCAR circuit can lead to substantial earnings and partnerships with major sponsors.
  • Tennis: Serena Williams, Roger Federer, and other tennis players have not only excelled on the court but also secured lucrative endorsement deals, contributing to their rise as top earners.

These athletes from diverse sports have not only showcased their exceptional talent and dedication but have also effectively leveraged their success to secure lucrative partnerships both within and outside their respective sports. Their remarkable earnings serve as a testament to the potential for financial success in a variety of athletic disciplines.

As we explore the list further, we will delve into the business ventures and legacies of these athletes and examine the impact they have had on their sports and beyond.

Athletes with Successful Business Ventures

Many of the highest-paid athletes have not limited their earnings to their sport but have also ventured into successful business ventures. These athlete entrepreneurs have demonstrated their ability to excel not only in their respective sports but also in the business world. They have leveraged their fame, skill, and brand power to establish lucrative business ventures and investments.

One notable example is Michael Jordan, who has successfully transitioned from being an athlete to a businessman. In addition to his basketball career, Jordan owns the Charlotte Hornets NBA team and has various investments. His business acumen and entrepreneurial ventures have contributed to his continued financial success.

LeBron James is another athlete who has made a name for himself both on and off the court. Alongside his basketball career, James has established successful business ventures, including his media production company SpringHill Entertainment and his involvement in Blaze Pizza, a fast-casual pizza chain. Through his investments and entrepreneurial endeavors, James has diversified his income streams and secured long-term financial stability.

“I have a vision of success, and I pursue it relentlessly, not only through basketball but also through my business ventures. It’s about creating a legacy and building wealth for the future.” – LeBron James

Kobe Bryant, a legendary basketball player, became an entrepreneur after retiring from the sport. He founded the venture capital firm Bryant Stibel, which focuses on investing in technology, media, and data companies. Bryant’s dedication to business and his strategic investments have positioned him as a successful entrepreneur in the post-athletic phase of his career.

Athletes with Successful Business Ventures

AthleteBusiness Ventures
Michael JordanOwner of the Charlotte Hornets NBA team, various investments
LeBron JamesSpringHill Entertainment, Blaze Pizza, investment portfolio
Kobe BryantBryant Stibel, technology and media investments
David BeckhamInter Miami CF soccer club, endorsements, e-sports team co-owner

Athletes like David Beckham have also made successful forays into the world of business. Beckham, known for his illustrious soccer career, is the co-owner of the Inter Miami CF soccer club in Major League Soccer. He has also secured lucrative endorsement deals and invested in e-sports teams. These ventures have showcased Beckham’s ability to diversify his income and capitalize on his brand appeal.

These athlete entrepreneurs demonstrate that success can extend beyond the confines of their sport. By leveraging their fame, expertise, and financial resources, they have carved out successful careers as business moguls. Their ventures not only contribute to their personal wealth but also inspire other athletes to explore opportunities outside of their sports, fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship and financial empowerment.

Female Representation on the List

Among the top 50 highest-paid athletes, Serena Williams stands as the highest-paid female athlete. Her remarkable earnings not only showcase her dominance on the tennis court but also highlight her success beyond it. Williams has proven to be an unstoppable force, securing lucrative endorsement deals with prominent brands such as Nike and Gatorade.

Despite progress in closing the gender pay gap, it still persists in the world of sports. However, Williams’ inclusion on the list of top earners demonstrates her exceptional earning power as a female athlete, breaking barriers and inspiring future generations.

Earned Wealth vs. Investment Income

The earnings of the highest-paid athletes primarily come from their career earnings, endorsement deals, and various revenue streams related to their sports and brand partnerships. While some athletes may have additional investment income, the focus of this list is on their earned wealth. The inclusion of endorsement deals, sponsorships, and other revenue streams highlights the potential for athletes to accumulate significant wealth during their careers.

Earning a lucrative income in the world of sports goes beyond just salaries and prize money. Athletes have the opportunity to secure endorsement deals with global brands, resulting in substantial financial rewards. These endorsement deals often involve the promotion of products, services, and brands both on and off the field, leveraging their fame and influence to generate additional income.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Endorsement deals play a crucial role in an athlete’s wealth accumulation, offering them the opportunity to partner with companies that share their values and goals. These partnerships can lead to long-term relationships and even equity stakes in sponsor companies. Athletes with successful brand endorsements have the potential to amass substantial wealth, becoming not only sports icons but also savvy businesspeople.

It’s important to note that while athletes may earn significant amounts of money during their careers, the responsibility falls on them to make wise financial decisions to ensure long-term wealth accumulation. Some athletes choose to invest their earnings in various ventures, such as real estate, businesses, and stocks, to diversify their portfolio and generate additional income beyond their active playing years.

Athletes as Influential Entrepreneurs

Many athletes have successfully transitioned from their playing careers to become influential entrepreneurs. They utilize their financial resources and fame to create ventures that extend beyond their sports. These ventures can include businesses, investments, and philanthropic endeavors.

One notable example is former basketball player LeBron James, who founded the media company SpringHill Entertainment, expanding his influence in the world of sports and entertainment. James’ venture has produced engaging content, including movies, documentaries, and television shows. By diversifying his portfolio and investing in businesses aligned with his interests, James has solidified his presence as a successful athlete entrepreneur.

Another notable athlete entrepreneur is soccer legend David Beckham. Beckham has leveraged his fame and expertise in the sport to establish his own brand and businesses, including fashion lines and ownership stakes in soccer clubs. Through his entrepreneurial endeavors, Beckham epitomizes the potential for athletes to build successful and lucrative ventures outside of their respective sports.

The Importance of Strategic Financial Planning

While athletes have the potential to earn substantial incomes during their careers, it is essential for them to prioritize strategic financial planning. This involves working with financial advisors, accountants, and legal professionals to ensure their earnings are safeguarded, well-managed, and optimized for long-term wealth accumulation.

Investment income can play a significant role in an athlete’s overall financial strategy, allowing for wealth preservation and growth even after retirement. However, it is crucial for athletes to make informed investment decisions and consider the potential risks and rewards associated with different investment vehicles. By diversifying their investment portfolio and seeking professional guidance, athletes can safeguard their wealth and create a solid financial foundation for the future.

Ultimately, the highest-paid athletes should not solely rely on investment income to secure their financial success. It is the combination of their earned wealth, including career earnings and endorsement deals, along with smart financial planning and strategic investments, that allows athletes to accumulate and preserve wealth throughout their lives.

How Earnings are Calculated

The calculations for athlete earnings involve a comprehensive analysis of various revenue sources specific to each athlete. These sources include:

  • Salaries
  • Bonuses
  • Prize money
  • Endorsement deals
  • Licensing
  • Royalties
  • Memorabilia
  • Book deals
  • Media appearances

By considering all these income streams, the total earnings of athletes can be accurately determined. It’s important to note that traditional investment income is not included in these calculations.

The objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the athletes’ total earnings from their various sources of income, both during their playing careers and after retirement.

Revenue SourceDescription
SalariesThe fixed annual or per-game payment received by athletes from their respective teams or clubs.
BonusesAdditional financial rewards given to athletes for achieving specific goals or milestones.
Prize MoneyThe cash awards earned by athletes for winning competitions or tournaments.
Endorsement DealsPartnerships with brands and companies to promote their products or services for a fee.
LicensingThe granting of permission to use the athlete’s name, image, or likeness for commercial purposes.
RoyaltiesThe percentage of income received by athletes for the use of their intellectual property, such as merchandise or video games.
MemorabiliaThe sale of autographed items, collectibles, or personal belongings belonging to the athlete.
Book DealsThe advance and royalties received by athletes for publishing their autobiographies or other written works.
Media AppearancesThe earnings from interviews, guest appearances, or media engagements.

Impact and Legacy of Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan’s impact on the world of sports and business is immeasurable. He is not only a legendary basketball player but also a sports icon and a symbol of excellence and success. Jordan’s influence extends far beyond the basketball court, as he has become a global icon recognized for his unparalleled skills and accomplishments.

However, Jordan’s success goes beyond his athletic abilities. He has built a brand and business empire that sets the standard for athletes and entrepreneurs alike. The Jordan Brand, a subsidiary of Nike, has become one of the most recognizable and successful sportswear brands in the world.

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

His business legacy is evident in his ownership of the Charlotte Hornets NBA team and numerous successful investments. Jordan’s ability to transition from being an exceptional athlete to a successful businessman showcases his versatility and strategic mindset.

Through his unparalleled success, Michael Jordan has left a lasting legacy in both the sports and business worlds. His name has become synonymous with excellence and success, inspiring athletes and entrepreneurs to strive for greatness.

Michael Jordan’s Impact on the NBA and Basketball Culture

The NBA, as we know it today, owes much of its popularity and global reach to Michael Jordan. His skill and showmanship on the court brought a new level of excitement and entertainment to the game. Jordan’s aerial acrobatics, clutch performances, and six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls captivated fans around the world.

Furthermore, Jordan’s impact extended beyond his playing career. His influence on basketball culture can still be felt today. The iconic Air Jordan sneakers, known for their innovative design and style, revolutionized the sneaker industry and created a new market for athlete-endorsed products.

The Business World’s admiration for Jordan’s Success

Michael Jordan’s business success has earned him the respect and admiration of entrepreneurs and business leaders worldwide. His ability to build a brand and turn it into a billion-dollar empire is a testament to his visionary leadership and strategic mindset.

Jordan’s excellence and success have set a standard for athletes seeking to capitalize on their fame and secure lucrative endorsement deals. His endorsement portfolio includes partnerships with Nike, Gatorade, Hanes, and many other brands, further solidifying his status as a business mogul.

With his impact on sports and business, Michael Jordan has become an enduring symbol of excellence and success. His legacy will continue to inspire athletes and entrepreneurs for generations to come.

Aspiring to Be Like Mike

Michael Jordan’s success as an athlete and businessman has set a standard that many athletes aspire to achieve. His influence extends beyond his playing career, with athletes worldwide wanting to “be like Mike.” Jordan’s achievements serve as inspiration for athletes to maximize their earning potential both during their careers and through business ventures. His story of perseverance and success motivates athletes to aim for greatness, both on and off the field.


In conclusion, the list of the best-paid athletes of all time showcases the extraordinary earning potential available to athletes across different sports. These athletes have proven to be the top earning athletes, defying expectations and amassing incredible wealth and success. From Michael Jordan, who stands as one of the highest paid sports stars of all time, to Serena Williams, the only female athlete on the list, these individuals have redefined what it means to be financially successful in sports.

Their journeys serve as inspiration for aspiring athletes who dream of reaching the pinnacle of their respective sports and securing lucrative partnerships. The ability to translate their athletic success into endorsement deals and other business ventures has allowed them to become more than just athletes. They have become icons, leaving a lasting impact on both the sports and business worlds.

The inclusion of these athletes on the list of the greatest paid athletes ever highlights the immense earning potential and global recognition that can be achieved in the world of sports. Their success is a testament to their talent, dedication, and ability to capitalize on the various opportunities presented to them. As these athletes continue to build their legacies, their impact will continue to inspire generations of athletes to push the boundaries of success and ultimately become some of the richest athletes in history.


Who are the best paid athletes of all time?

The best paid athletes of all time are individuals who have earned significant wealth through their careers and endorsement deals. They include athletes from various sports such as basketball, golf, boxing, soccer, baseball, Formula 1 racing, NASCAR, and tennis.

How many NBA players are on the list of the highest earners?

There are 13 NBA players on the list of the highest earners. NBA players have benefited from lucrative contracts, endorsements, and global opportunities, thanks to the NBA’s billion TV deal.

Who is the highest-paid athlete of all time?

The highest-paid athlete of all time is Michael Jordan, with a total lifetime earnings of .3 billion. His success is attributed not only to his basketball career but also to his lucrative endorsement deals, particularly with Nike.

Who is the second highest-paid athlete of all time?

The second highest-paid athlete of all time is Tiger Woods, with career earnings of .5 billion. Woods has been successful not only on the golf course but also as a marketing darling for various sponsors.

Which sports are represented among the top earning athletes?

The top earning athletes come from eight different sports, including basketball, golf, boxing, soccer, baseball, Formula 1 racing, NASCAR, and tennis. This highlights the earning potential available for athletes in various fields.

Do athletes venture into business ventures?

Yes, many athletes have not limited their earnings to their sport but have also ventured into successful business ventures. Athletes like Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, and David Beckham have established successful businesses alongside their sports careers.

Who is the highest-paid female athlete?

The highest-paid female athlete on the list is Serena Williams. Her earnings demonstrate her success both on and off the tennis court, with lucrative endorsement deals with brands like Nike and Gatorade.

How do the highest-paid athletes accumulate their wealth?

The highest-paid athletes predominantly accumulate their wealth through their career earnings, endorsement deals, and various revenue streams related to their sports and brand partnerships. Additional revenue sources include licensing, royalties, media appearances, and book deals.

How are the earnings of the highest-paid athletes calculated?

The calculations for athlete earnings include salaries, bonuses, prize money, endorsement deals, licensing, royalties, memorabilia, book deals, media, appearances, and other revenue sources specific to each athlete. Traditional investment income is not included in these calculations.

What is the impact and legacy of Michael Jordan?

Michael Jordan’s impact on the world of sports and business is immeasurable. Not only is he a legendary basketball player, but he has also built a brand and business empire that sets a standard for athletes and entrepreneurs alike. His success serves as an inspiration for athletes worldwide.

What does it mean to “be like Mike”?

“Be like Mike” refers to the aspiration of athletes worldwide to follow in the footsteps of Michael Jordan. Jordan’s success as an athlete and businessman has set a standard that many athletes aim to achieve, both in their respective sports and in their business ventures.

