WWE Previews Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles (Video), Andre The Giants Daughter Making Chicago Appearan

[embedded content] WWE has released the abovevideo on their official YouTube channel promoting the main event of WWE Payback, Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles. The daughter of Andre the Giant, Robin Christensen-Roussimoff, will be appearing at Book Expo America in Chicago on May 11th and 12th.

WWE Previews Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles

WWE has released the above video on their official YouTube channel promoting the main event of WWE Payback, Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles.

Andre The Giant’s Daughter Making Chicago Appearance

The daughter of Andre the Giant, Robin Christensen-Roussimoff, will be appearing at Book Expo America in Chicago on May 11th and 12th.

Robin will be signing at the Lion Forge Comics‘ booth. Lion Forge is the publisher of the Andre’s comic book styled auto-biography Andre The Giant: Closer To Heaven.

For more info about the Expo and Robin’s appearance please click .

Just before WrestleMania 32 Robin joined WrestleZone Radio for an interview. You can listen to that interview in the embedded audio player below:

