Sarah Jeong leaves New York Times editorial board

A New York Times editorial board member who raised eyebrows when old tweets critical of white people resurfaced is no longer employed by the Gray Lady, a report said. Sarah Jeong left the board in August, CNN reported.

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A New York Times editorial board member who raised eyebrows when old tweets critical of “white people” resurfaced is no longer employed by the Gray Lady, a report said.

Sarah Jeong left the board in August, CNN reported.

“Sarah decided to leave the editorial board in August,” Kate Kingsbury, a deputy editorial page editor, told CNN Friday. “But we’re glad to still have her journalism and insights around technology in our pages through her work as a contributor.”

She’ll now be a “contracted contributor for NYT Opinion” according to CNN.

The new role will permit her to “go back to reporting and writing long features while still being involved with NYT Opinion section on tech issues,” she told CNN.

In a since-deleted 2014 posting, Jeong wrote: “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”

“Dumbass f–king white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” she wrote in another.

Some called her remarks racist.

The Times stood by Jeong throughout blowback, but she remained a lightning rod for criticism through her one-year tenure at the paper.

