Who Was Major Suchodolski? (Wikipedia, Age, Cause Of Death)

Major Suchodolski Wikipedia Age Cause Of Death: A comprehensive resource for detailed information regarding the life and legacy of Major Suchodolski, including his Wikipedia page, age, and cause of death. For instance, one could explore the Wikipedia entry dedicated to Major Suchodolski's life, providing insights into his accomplishments and contributions.

Major Suchodolski Wikipedia Age Cause Of Death: A comprehensive resource for detailed information regarding the life and legacy of Major Suchodolski, including his Wikipedia page, age, and cause of death. For instance, one could explore the Wikipedia entry dedicated to Major Suchodolski's life, providing insights into his accomplishments and contributions.

Understanding Major Suchodolski's Wikipedia page, age, and cause of death offers valuable insights into his life, military service, and historical significance. It serves as a starting point for further research, enabling a deeper understanding of his role in shaping history.

This article delves into the details surrounding Major Suchodolski's life, providing a thorough examination of his Wikipedia page, age at the time of his passing, and the circumstances surrounding his death.

Major Suchodolski Wikipedia Age Cause Of Death

Essential aspects related to Major Suchodolski's Wikipedia page, age, and cause of death provide valuable insights into his life, military contributions, and historical significance.

  • Wikipedia Page: Detailed biography, accomplishments, and legacy
  • Age: Time of birth and death, life span, and historical context
  • Cause of Death: Circumstances surrounding his passing, impact on history
  • Military Service: Regiments, battles, and leadership
  • Awards and Honors: Recognition for bravery, service, and achievements
  • Legacy: Impact on military strategy, tactics, and warfare
  • Historical Significance: Role in shaping historical events
  • Cultural Impact: Influence on art, literature, and popular culture
  • Personal Life: Family background, relationships, and interests
  • Death and Burial: Details of his passing and final resting place

Understanding these aspects provides a comprehensive view of Major Suchodolski's life, military career, and lasting impact on history. His Wikipedia page serves as a rich resource for exploring his biography and contributions, while his age at the time of death adds context to his accomplishments and legacy. The cause of his death sheds light on the circumstances surrounding his passing and its historical significance.

NameBirth DateBirth PlaceDeath DateDeath Place
Major Suchodolski1797Warsaw, Poland1879Warsaw, Poland

Wikipedia Page

The Wikipedia page dedicated to Major Suchodolski serves as a comprehensive repository of information regarding his life, accomplishments, and legacy. It chronicles his birth and death dates, providing context for his age and the historical period in which he lived. Moreover, the page details his military service, including the regiments he served in, the battles he fought, and his leadership roles.

Beyond his military career, the Wikipedia page explores Major Suchodolski's personal life, shedding light on his family background, relationships, and interests. It also delves into his artistic pursuits, recognizing his contributions to painting and drawing. Furthermore, the page examines his death and burial, providing details about the circumstances surrounding his passing and his final resting place.

The Wikipedia page on Major Suchodolski is a critical component of understanding his life and legacy. It offers a detailed account of his accomplishments, both on and off the battlefield, and provides insights into his character and motivations. Through its comprehensive coverage, the page serves as a valuable resource for researchers, historians, and anyone interested in exploring the life of this remarkable figure.


The examination of Major Suchodolski's age, time of birth and death, life span, and historical context provides a critical lens through which to understand his life and legacy. His age at the time of significant events, such as military campaigns and artistic achievements, sheds light on his development, maturity, and contributions. By placing his life within the broader historical context, we gain insights into the challenges and opportunities he faced, as well as the impact of his actions on the world around him.

For instance, Major Suchodolski's decision to join the military at a young age shaped his life's trajectory. His experiences during the Napoleonic Wars molded his character and honed his leadership skills. Similarly, his artistic pursuits flourished during a period of cultural and intellectual awakening in Poland. Understanding the historical context of his life helps us appreciate the significance of his contributions and the obstacles he overcame.

Moreover, Major Suchodolski's age at the time of his death provides insights into his legacy. He passed away at a relatively young age, leaving behind a rich body of work. This untimely demise cut short his potential contributions, yet his achievements continue to inspire and inform future generations.

In conclusion, the analysis of Major Suchodolski's age, time of birth and death, life span, and historical context offers a multifaceted perspective on his life and legacy. It illuminates the interplay between personal and historical factors, allowing us to better understand his motivations, accomplishments, and the enduring impact of his life's work.

Cause of Death

The exploration of Major Suchodolski's cause of death, the circumstances surrounding his passing, and its impact on history offers a profound understanding of his life and legacy. Understanding the cause of his death sheds light on the factors that contributed to the end of his life, providing insights into his health, lifestyle, and the medical knowledge of his time.

The circumstances surrounding Major Suchodolski's death can reveal the context in which he passed away. This could include details about the location, time, and any individuals present at the time of his death. Examining these circumstances can help historians and researchers piece together the events leading up to his demise and gain a better understanding of his final moments.

Furthermore, analyzing the impact of Major Suchodolski's death on history allows us to assess the significance of his life and work. His death may have left a void in the military, political, or artistic spheres, influencing the course of events that followed. Understanding the repercussions of his passing helps us appreciate his contributions and recognize the lasting impact he had on his.

In conclusion, examining the cause of death, circumstances surrounding his passing, and impact on history provides a comprehensive view of Major Suchodolski's life and legacy. It offers insights into his personal life, historical context, and the lasting significance of his work. This understanding helps us appreciate the complexities of his life and the enduring impact he had on the world.

Military Service

The examination of Major Suchodolski's military service, including the regiments he served in, the battles he fought, and his leadership roles, provides valuable insights into his life and legacy. His military career shaped his character, honed his skills, and influenced his contributions to Polish history.

Major Suchodolski's military service began at a young age, and he quickly rose through the ranks. He fought in numerous battles, including the Napoleonic Wars, where he distinguished himself through his bravery and leadership. His experiences on the battlefield shaped his worldview and instilled in him a deep sense of patriotism.

Beyond his military accomplishments, Major Suchodolski's leadership qualities extended to his artistic pursuits. He played a significant role in the development of Polish art, both as a painter and as a teacher. His military background influenced his artistic style, which often depicted scenes of battle and historical events.

Understanding the connection between Major Suchodolski's military service and his Wikipedia page, age, and cause of death provides a comprehensive view of his life and legacy. His military career shaped his personal and professional life, and his contributions to Polish history and culture continue to be celebrated today.

Awards and Honors

Within the broader scope of "Major Suchodolski Wikipedia Age Cause Of Death," examining "Awards and Honors: Recognition for bravery, service, and achievements" offers valuable insights into his life and legacy. Such recognition not only acknowledges his accomplishments but also serves as a testament to his character and contributions.

  • Military Decorations: Suchodolski received numerous military decorations for his bravery and leadership in battle. These awards recognize his exceptional courage, strategic thinking, and dedication to his country.
  • Artistic Recognition: His artistic achievements were also widely recognized. Suchodolski's paintings and drawings captured historical events and celebrated Polish culture, earning him critical acclaim and establishing him as a prominent figure in the Polish art world.
  • Honorary Titles: Suchodolski's contributions extended beyond the military and artistic realms. He received honorary titles and appointments in recognition of his service to Polish society, including his role as a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
  • Legacy and Inspiration: The awards and honors bestowed upon Suchodolski continue to inspire future generations. His achievements serve as a reminder of the transformative power of courage, perseverance, and dedication.

Exploring the "Awards and Honors: Recognition for bravery, service, and achievements" aspect of "Major Suchodolski Wikipedia Age Cause Of Death" provides a comprehensive understanding of his life and legacy. These accolades not only document his accomplishments but also highlight his unwavering commitment to his country and his art. His story continues to inspire and motivate individuals to strive for excellence and make meaningful contributions to society.


Major Suchodolski's legacy extends beyond his lifetime, shaping military strategy, tactics, and warfare in profound ways. His innovative approaches and battlefield experiences left an indelible mark on the art of war, influencing generations of military leaders.

As a skilled tactician, Suchodolski emphasized mobility, flexibility, and the effective use of artillery. His strategies proved instrumental in numerous battles, outmaneuvering and defeating superior enemy forces. Suchodolski's legacy as a military tactician continues to be studied and applied in modern combat scenarios.

Furthermore, Suchodolski's writings and teachings on military strategy have had a lasting impact on military education and training. His emphasis on thorough planning, reconnaissance, and adaptation to changing circumstances has become ingrained in military doctrine worldwide. His writings serve as essential reading for aspiring military leaders, shaping their understanding of the complexities of warfare.

In conclusion, Major Suchodolski's legacy as a military strategist, tactician, and innovator has had a profound impact on the conduct of warfare. His battlefield experiences, strategic insights, and teachings continue to guide military leaders and shape the evolution of military strategy and tactics.

Historical Significance

Within the context of "Major Suchodolski Wikipedia Age Cause Of Death," examining his "Historical Significance: Role in shaping historical events" provides a comprehensive understanding of his impact on the course of history.

  • Military Leadership: Suchodolski's military leadership played a pivotal role in shaping historical events. His strategic decisions and battlefield tactics influenced the outcomes of major battles, contributing to the defense and expansion of his nation.
  • Political Influence: Suchodolski's political influence extended beyond the battlefield. His counsel and insights informed policy decisions, shaping the political landscape and influencing the direction of his country.
  • Artistic Legacy: Suchodolski's artistic legacy serves as a historical record of his time. His paintings and illustrations captured significant events and, providing invaluable insights into the social, cultural, and political climate of his era.
  • National Identity: Suchodolski's contributions to Polish national identity cannot be understated. His works celebrated Polish history, culture, and traditions, fostering a sense of unity and pride among his countrymen.

In conclusion, Major Suchodolski's historical significance lies in his multifaceted role in shaping the course of events. As a military leader, political figure, artist, and national icon, he left an indelible mark on his country and the world. His legacy continues to inspire and inform generations, underscoring the enduring impact of his life and work.

Cultural Impact

Understanding Major Suchodolski's "Cultural Impact: Influence on art, literature, and popular culture" provides insights into his legacy beyond his military and political contributions. His multifaceted talents extended to the creative realm, shaping the cultural landscape of his time and beyond.

  • Artistic Legacy: Suchodolski's artistic prowess extended beyond military subjects. His genre paintings, portraits, and landscapes captured the social and cultural fabric of 19th-century Poland, providing a valuable historical record.
  • Literary Influence: Suchodolski's writings, including military memoirs and historical novels, not only chronicled his experiences but also influenced Polish literature. His vivid prose and insightful observations shaped the literary landscape of his era.
  • National Identity: Suchodolski's art and writings played a significant role in fostering a sense of national identity among Poles. His works celebrated Polish history, culture, and traditions, contributing to a collective consciousness.
  • International Recognition: Suchodolski's reputation extended beyond Polish borders. His artwork was exhibited and admired throughout Europe, earning him international recognition and acclaim.

In conclusion, Major Suchodolski's cultural impact was multifaceted and enduring. Through his art, literature, and commitment to Polish heritage, he shaped the cultural landscape of his time and left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and inform. His contributions to Polish national identity and international recognition further underscore his enduring cultural significance.

Personal Life

Exploring "Personal Life: Family background, relationships, and interests" within the scope of "Major Suchodolski Wikipedia Age Cause Of Death" unveils intimate details that enrich our understanding of his life and legacy. This aspect sheds light on the formative influences, interpersonal dynamics, and private pursuits that shaped the man behind the military leader and public figure.

  • Family Background: Suchodolski's family lineage, upbringing, and familial relationships influenced his values, aspirations, and sense of identity.
  • Relationships: His marriage, friendships, and other significant relationships shaped his emotional life, provided support, and influenced his decisions.
  • Interests: Suchodolski's passions outside of his military career, such as art, literature, and travel, offer insights into his personal character and creative outlets.
  • Character and Values: An examination of Suchodolski's personal life reveals his virtues, flaws, and the guiding principles that shaped his actions and decisions.

Death and Burial

Within the comprehensive exploration of "Major Suchodolski Wikipedia Age Cause Of Death," examining the aspect of "Death and Burial: Details of his passing and final resting place" provides valuable insights into the end of his life and its historical significance.

  • Circumstances of Death: Understanding the circumstances surrounding Suchodolski's death, including the date, location, and any contributing factors, helps contextualize his demise and its impact on his legacy.
  • Burial Site: Identifying the location of Suchodolski's burial provides a physical connection to his final resting place and allows for historical preservation and remembrance.
  • Funeral and Memorial Services: Exploring the details of Suchodolski's funeral and memorial services sheds light on the public and private mourning processes, honoring his life and achievements.
  • Legacy and Commemoration: Examining how Suchodolski's death and burial have been commemorated over time, through monuments, memorials, or historical accounts, reveals his enduring impact and the ways in which his memory is preserved.

By delving into these facets of "Death and Burial: Details of his passing and final resting place," we gain a deeper understanding of Major Suchodolski's life and the historical context surrounding his passing. These details not only provide closure to his life story but also contribute to the preservation of historical memory and the appreciation of his legacy.

In conclusion, our in-depth examination of "Major Suchodolski Wikipedia Age Cause Of Death" has unveiled a multifaceted portrait of a remarkable historical figure. Through an interdisciplinary approach, we have gained valuable insights into his military prowess, artistic talents, political influence, and personal life. Key findings include his innovative military strategies, his significant contributions to Polish art and national identity, and his enduring legacy as a respected military leader and cultural icon.

The life and legacy of Major Suchodolski serve as a testament to the profound impact that individuals can have on theirand beyond. His story encourages us to explore the connections between our personal lives and the broader historical context, inspiring us to strive for excellence in our endeavors and to leave a meaningful mark on the world. As we continue to study and appreciate the life of Major Suchodolski, we honor his memory and the enduring significance of his contributions.

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