Lina L aspires To Be A Living Work Of Art With Her Robotic Appearance

Lina L, a tattoo artist, is capturing the worlds attention with her journey to become a living cyborg, Cigno. Due to her strict household, she relocated from Germany to America, spent over $50,000 on her transformation, and has many more changes planned for the future.Lina has made a name for herself in the tattoo community

Lina L, a tattoo artist, is capturing the world’s attention with her journey to become a living cyborg, Cigno. Due to her strict household, she relocated from Germany to America, spent over $50,000 on her transformation, and has many more changes planned for the future. Lina has made a name for herself in the tattoo community as well as on social media due to her outlandish appearance. Her Instagram account,, has over 110,000 followers and has been featured on the ‘Truly’ YouTube channel.

Lina L aspires to be a living work of art with her robotic appearance.

Lina was working part-time in technology when she started experimenting with her appearance. In 2010, she decided to make a change in her life and began a healthy lifestyle. She also received her first tattoo around this period. In one of her interviews, she stated:

“My first and most significant transformation was definitely my weight loss a few years ago.” I lost over 50 pounds by changing my diet and working out hard at the gym. It’s as though a switch in my skull switched. I realized that the only way to truly become whoever you want to be is to work hard every day.”

It took her more than ten years to get tattooed from head to toe, and her body now has 50 tattoos and a few body modifications. The alterations include implants, nose surgery, piercings, and stretched ear lobes, but the horns she’s had inserted on the sides of her forehead and a silicone ring implant in the middle of her chest stand out the most.

Lina L

Lina is hoping to get her ears pointed and tongue split soon since she had planned to undergo ear surgery before to confinement. She stated:

“It’s been a little difficult to identify performers that are doing that due of COVID.” I enjoy the notion of having Star Trek-style ears, so that’s something I certainly want to accomplish this year.”

Similarly, she also said that harsh criticism has no effect on her and that she is content with her life choices. She enjoys it when others compliment her appearance.

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