Meaning of Pigs (three Different Ones) [2018 Remix] by Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd's iconic song "Pigs (Three Different Ones) [2018 Remix]" is a politically charged masterpiece that delves deep into the themes of societal hypocrisy, power dynamics, and the dehumanization of individuals. The track is a scathing critique of various archetypal figures, each representing different facets of corruption and insincerity.One standout lyric that captivates the listener's attention is "Big man, pig man, haha, charade you are." This line sets the tone for the song by presenting a visual contrast between the grandiosity and authority associated with being a "big man" and the repulsive image of a pig. Here, Pink Floyd draws attention to the hypocrisy of those in positions of power. Despite their grand appearance, they are mere charades, pretending to be righteous when they are, in fact, corrupt and deceitful. This lyric showcases the theme of moral dualism and the hidden truth behind facades.Continuing with the theme of hypocrisy, the line "With your head down in the pig bin, sayin', 'Keep on digging'" highlights the greed and unscrupulous behavior of those who prioritize personal gain over ethical considerations. The imagery of digging in a pig bin symbolizes their relentless pursuit of material wealth, even if it means trampling on others. This lyric underscores the theme of moral bankruptcy and the insatiability of those driven solely by self-interest.Another impactful line, "You're nearly a laugh, but you're really a cry," delves into the notion of performative happiness and the underlying sadness that exists beneath the surface. Here, Pink Floyd suggests that the individuals being criticized in the song are so wrapped up in their charades and acts of superiority that they have lost touch with their true emotions. They exhibit a false sense of contentment, masking their deeper sense of dissatisfaction and sadness. This insight contributes to the theme of emotional detachment and the consequences of living an inauthentic life.Moving on, the line "You radiate cold shafts of broken glass" presents a vivid metaphorical description of an unfeeling and detached individual. The coldness and sharpness associated with broken glass symbolize the emotional harm caused by this person's callous behavior. This lyric explores the theme of emotional harm inflicted by those who wield power without empathy, shining a light on the destructive effects of indifference.Shifting gears, the line "You house proud town mouse, haha, charade you are" unveils the theme of superficiality and the quest for societal acceptance. The idea of being "house proud" signifies an obsession with appearances and material success, while the comparison to a "town mouse" highlights the superficiality of living in an urban environment. Pink Floyd critiques the pursuit of these shallow ideals, emphasizing the neglect of genuine human connection and compassion in favor of shallow social standing.Ultimately, Pink Floyd's "Pigs (Three Different Ones) [2018 Remix]" weaves together its various standout lyrics to examine the theme of societal hypocrisy and the dangers of power without conscience. Through vivid imagery and symbolic language, the song exposes the facades and hidden truths prevalent within society. It serves as a reminder to question authority, challenge the status quo, and strive for authenticity in a world often defined by hypocrisy.

