Linkin Park - My December Lyrics Meaning

click a star to vote In my opinion its a mix of everything that has been already said. I see it this way: a person, probably LP member (or just a person artificially created for the purpose of this song, based on band members experience/reflections) sits all alone in his huge, beautiful house at winter


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Aug 4th 2008 !⃝

In my opinion it’s a mix of everything that has been already said. I see it this way: a person, probably LP member (or just a person artificially created for the purpose of this song, based on band member’s experience/reflections) sits all alone in his huge, beautiful house at winter time. Or actually, the house used to be big and beautiful, when he lived there with someone he loved (still does!). Now it remained only big... and overwhelming. It’s silent and cold what increases the feeling of being unwanted and lost. It’s also probably in the middle of nowhere, in the small country, let’s say. The person reflects how great it was in the past to spend December (not only, for sure! xD) with ones he loved (loves!). He used to like December (Christmas – fire at the fireplace, children unwrapping presents, a smell of gingerbread...) and with his family he felt accomplished at that time. Now, after the people he loved (loves!) left (not died, in my humble opinion, left him because of his behavior – relation to being blinded by fame? Or maybe jealousy?), he tries to fool himself that everything is fine, he has everything he needs, but subconsciously knows it’s not true – he’s sitting there alone having no one to talk to, what hurts him inside, truly hating December (particularly, as it’s time which should be spent in positive atmosphere with the closest ones). It was supposed to be ‘his time of the year’ as he loved and couldn’t wait for spending time with his beloved. The time came, but he feels in a completely different way, he feels there is something (family!) missing what makes him feel empty. He wishes he hadn’t done/said what he did/said (even if he was correct/is still convinced he was correct) just to have them around. He’s aware that the others also hurt and would sacrifice everything to make them feel good. The person wants to bring everything back, to have a warm house where he and his family would feel secure together.

A horrible feeling, I tell you... The song made me feel this way now (even though it’s August) and brought unpleasant memories from the past. And actually made me aware of the fact that Christmas time is coming and I’ll experience it once again.

