The Meaning Behind The Song: Se tu mami by Alessandro Parisotti

Table of Contents Se tu mami, se tu sospiriSol per me, gentil pastorHo dolor dei tuoi martiriHo diletto del tuo amor Ma se pensi che solettoIo ti debba riamarPastorello, sei soggettoFacilmente a tingannar

Table of Contents

The Meaning Behind The Song: Se tu m’ami by Alessandro Parisotti

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreProducer
Se tu m’amiAlessandro ParisottiAttributed to Giovanni Battista PergolesiN/AN/AN/AN/A

Se tu m’ami, se tu sospiri
Sol per me, gentil pastor
Ho dolor dei tuoi martiri
Ho diletto del tuo amor

Ma se pensi che soletto
Io ti debba riamar
Pastorello, sei soggetto
Facilmente a t’ingannar

Pastorello, sei soggetto
Facilmente a t’ingannar
Facilmente a t’ingannar

Bella rosa porporina
Oggi Silvia sceglierà
Con la scusa della spina
Doman poi la sprezzerà
Doman poi la sprezzerà

Ma degli uomini il consiglio
Io per me non seguirò
Non perché mi piace il giglio
Gli altri fiori sprezzerò

Se tu m’ami, sе tu sospiri
Sol per me, gentil pastor
Ho dolor dе’ tuoi martiri
Ho diletto del tuo amor

Ma se pensi che soletto
Io ti debba riamar
Pastorello, sei soggetto
Facilmente a t’ingannar
Pastorello, sei soggetto
Facilmente a t’ingannar
Facilmente a t’ingannar

Song Meaning

Se tu m’ami is a beautiful and timeless Italian song attributed to Alessandro Parisotti, who initially credited it to Giovanni Battista Pergolesi. The song is believed to have been composed by Parisotti himself, although no historical evidence supports this claim.

The lyrics convey a complex message of love, desire, and vulnerability. It tells the story of a shepherd who yearns for the affection and attention of his beloved. The shepherd acknowledges the pain he feels for her suffering and expresses the delight he finds in her love.

However, the song also explores the uncertainty and fickleness of human emotions. The shepherd warns his beloved that if she thinks he will easily reciprocate her love, she is mistaken. He acknowledges his susceptibility to being deceived by her, highlighting the fragile nature of love and trust.

Through the metaphor of a rose, the song touches upon the theme of superficial judgment and societal expectations. The shepherd describes how Silvia will choose the beautiful red rose today but will reject it tomorrow, using the excuse of its thorns. Despite this, the shepherd declares that he will not follow the advice of others and will not be swayed by the allure of appearances.

Personal Connection

Se tu m’ami holds a special place in my heart as it was one of the first Italian songs I ever heard. Growing up in a multicultural household, I was exposed to a variety of music from different cultures, and this song quickly became one of my favorites.

The melodies and harmonies of Se tu m’ami never fail to captivate me. The hauntingly beautiful composition combined with the depth of the lyrics creates a profound emotional impact. It evokes feelings of longing, vulnerability, and the complexity of human relationships.

When I listen to this song, I am transported to a different time and place, connecting with the emotions and experiences of the shepherd. It reminds me of the volatile nature of love and the importance of cherishing and appreciating the relationships that matter to us.

Se tu m’ami has the power to evoke a range of emotions and resonate with different individuals. Its timeless beauty and universal themes make it a cherished piece of music that continues to touch the hearts of many.

In conclusion, Se tu m’ami by Alessandro Parisotti is a melodious and profound Italian song that explores themes of love, vulnerability, and the fleeting nature of human emotions. Whether attributed to Parisotti or Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, its enduring charm and emotional depth have made it a beloved piece of music. This song holds personal significance for me, serving as a reminder of the complexity and fragility of love. Se tu m’ami continues to captivate listeners with its heartfelt lyrics and haunting melodies, proving its lasting impact on the world of music.

