Tragic News: Don Harp Obituary, What happened to Don Harp? auburn university alumnus Don Harp pa

Tragic News: Don Harp Obituary, What happened to Don Harp? auburn university alumnus Don Harp passes away after batting sarcoma, cause of death Auburn University Alumnus, Don Harp, Leaves a Lasting Legacy

Tragic News: Don Harp Obituary, What happened to Don Harp? auburn university alumnus Don Harp passes away after batting sarcoma, cause of death – Auburn University Alumnus, Don Harp, Leaves a Lasting Legacy

Don Harp, a beloved Auburn University alum from Fayetteville, Georgia, has left a profound impact on those who knew him. At the age of 26, Don tragically lost his battle with cancer, but his commitment to excellence and love for running will be remembered forever. Graduating from Whitewater High School in 2016, Don excelled both academically and athletically, particularly in track and cross country. Following his dream of attending Auburn University, Don graduated in 2020 and began a successful career in construction. His dedication and passion were evident as he contributed to the Midtown Union project. Don’s passing has deeply affected his family, friends, and community, who will gather to pay their respects and share memories at his funeral ceremony. Despite the pain of this loss, Don’s vibrant attitude and impact on others will be cherished and remembered fondly.

Don Harp Obituary-Death News

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of the passing of Don Harp, a remarkable individual and beloved alumnus of Auburn University. Don’s journey came to an end on January 4th, 2024, after a courageous battle with sarcoma. His departure has left a profound impact on the lives of those who had the privilege of knowing him.

Beloved Auburn University Alumnus

Don Harp, a native of Fayetteville, Georgia, will forever be remembered as a cherished Auburn University alumnus. Graduating from Whitewater High School in 2016, Don not only excelled academically but also showcased his athletic prowess, particularly in track and cross country. His unwavering commitment to excellence and teamwork was evident throughout his time on these teams, leaving a lasting impression on his peers and coaches.

Passes Away After Battling Sarcoma

Don’s life was tragically cut short at the age of 26 due to his battle with sarcoma. Despite the challenges he faced, Don’s spirit remained unyielding, inspiring all those around him. His determination to overcome adversity and his unwavering positivity were a testament to his strength of character. Don’s legacy will continue to inspire others to face their own battles with courage and resilience.

Remembering Don Harp

Today, we gather to honor the memory of Don Harp, a remarkable individual who touched the lives of many. Don’s presence in our lives may have been brief, but the impact he made will be felt for a lifetime. His passing on January 4th, 2024, has left a void in our hearts, but his spirit will forever live on.

Academic and Athletic Excellence

Don Harp was a shining example of what it means to excel both academically and athletically. Graduating from Whitewater High School in 2016, he left a lasting impression on his teachers and peers with his dedication to his studies. But it wasn’t just in the classroom where Don thrived. He was a force to be reckoned with on the track and cross country teams, showcasing his athletic prowess and determination. Don’s achievements served as an inspiration to all who knew him, proving that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible.

Commitment to Excellence and Teamwork

One of the qualities that set Don Harp apart was his unwavering commitment to excellence and teamwork. Whether it was on the field or in his professional life, Don always gave his best and encouraged those around him to do the same. His dedication to his craft was evident during his time at Auburn University, where he followed in his parents’ footsteps. After graduating in 2020, Don joined Brasfield and Gorrie, where he quickly rose to the position of assistant field manager. His contributions to the Midtown Union project were a testament to his work ethic and ability to work collaboratively with others.

Don Harp’s legacy will continue to inspire us to strive for greatness in all that we do. His memory will forever be etched in our hearts, and we will carry his spirit with us as we navigate life’s challenges. Today, we remember Don not only for his accomplishments but also for the kindness, warmth, and love he brought into our lives. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

Life After Auburn University

After graduating from Auburn University, Don Harp embarked on a new chapter in his life, filled with ambition and determination. Armed with the knowledge and skills he acquired during his time at the university, Don was ready to make his mark in the professional world. Little did he know that his journey would lead him to a fulfilling career and opportunities to contribute to significant projects.

Construction Job at Brasfield and Gorrie

Don’s passion for construction and his commitment to excellence led him to join the Atlanta branch of Brasfield and Gorrie, a renowned construction company. With his strong work ethic and dedication, Don quickly proved himself as a valuable asset to the team. His attention to detail and ability to tackle challenges head-on earned him the respect and admiration of his colleagues.

Contributions to the Midtown Union Project

One of the notable projects that Don Harp had the privilege to be a part of was the Midtown Union project. As an assistant field manager, Don played a crucial role in ensuring the smooth execution of the project. His expertise and leadership skills were evident as he collaborated with the team to overcome obstacles and deliver exceptional results. Don’s contributions to the Midtown Union project will leave a lasting legacy, showcasing his dedication to his craft and his commitment to creating something remarkable.

Don Harp’s post-graduation journey was a testament to his drive and determination. His time at Brasfield and Gorrie allowed him to make a meaningful impact in the construction industry and contribute to projects that will stand as testaments to his hard work. Don’s legacy will continue to inspire others to pursue their passions and strive for excellence in their chosen fields.

Celebrating Don Harp’s Life

Today, we come together to celebrate the remarkable life of Don Harp, a beloved individual who touched the hearts of many. Don’s journey may have come to an end, but his spirit and the memories he created will forever live on in our hearts. As we gather here, let us remember and honor the impact he had on our lives.

Survived by Loving Family

Don Harp leaves behind a loving family who will cherish his memory and carry his legacy forward. His parents, siblings, grandmothers, and a large number of extended family and friends were fortunate to have shared their lives with him. The bond they shared and the experiences they had together are a testament to the love and support that surrounded Don throughout his life. As we reflect on his life, let us also extend our thoughts and condolences to his family, who have been deeply affected by his loss.

Funeral Ceremony and Gathering

A funeral ceremony will be held at the Fayetteville First United Methodist Church on January 13, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. This solemn occasion will provide an opportunity for friends, family, and loved ones to come together to pay their respects and bid farewell to Don. Prior to the ceremony, a gathering will take place at the church’s Fellowship Hall on January 12, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. This gathering will serve as a time to share memories, stories, and offer support to one another as we remember the impact Don had on our lives.

During this time of mourning, let us find solace in the memories we shared with Don and the joy he brought into our lives. May his spirit guide us and remind us to cherish every moment and live life to the fullest. Don Harp’s presence will be deeply missed, but his legacy will continue to inspire us to embrace life with love, kindness, and a zest for making a difference.

Remembering Don Harp’s Impact

Today, we gather to remember and honor the incredible impact that Don Harp had on our lives. Don’s vivacious attitude and unwavering dedication left an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of knowing him. Though he may no longer be with us, his spirit and the memories we shared will continue to inspire and uplift us.

Vivid Attitude and Dedication

Don Harp was a shining example of how a positive attitude and unwavering dedication can transform lives. His vibrant spirit and zest for life were contagious, bringing joy and laughter to those around him. Whether it was pursuing his passions, excelling in his studies, or supporting his loved ones, Don approached every endeavor with enthusiasm and determination. His commitment to excellence and his unwavering work ethic served as an inspiration to us all.

Thoughts and Condolences

During this difficult time, our thoughts and condolences go out to Don Harp’s family and all those who have been touched by his warmth and spirit. The loss of such a remarkable individual is deeply felt, and we extend our heartfelt sympathies to his loved ones. May they find solace in the memories they shared and the knowledge that Don’s impact will forever be remembered and cherished.

As we reflect on Don’s life, let us strive to carry forward his legacy of vivacity, dedication, and love. May his memory serve as a reminder to embrace each day with passion and to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Don Harp’s presence will be greatly missed, but his spirit will continue to shine brightly in our hearts.

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Don Harp, a cherished Auburn University alumnus from Fayetteville, Georgia. Don, 26, lost his battle with cancer on January 4th, 2024, leaving a lasting impact on everyone who knew him. Known for his academic and athletic achievements, particularly in track and cross country, Don’s commitment to excellence and teamwork was evident throughout his life. After graduating from Auburn University in 2020, he pursued a career in construction and made significant contributions to the Midtown Union project. Don is survived by his loving family, who have been profoundly influenced by his presence. A funeral ceremony will be held on January 13, 2024, at the Fayetteville First United Methodist Church, where friends and family can gather to pay their respects and share memories of Don. We remember Don Harp for his vibrant attitude, unwavering dedication, and positive impact on his community. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family and all those affected by his warmth and spirit during this difficult time.

