Fade - RX 9 Help

The Fade module can be used to apply a gradual increase or decrease to gain throughout your selection. Different amplitude curve options are available in the Fade Type menu. For in-phase tonal material, a Cosine fade curve will work well, while the Equal power fade type can be more effective on noisy material.


The Fade module can be used to apply a gradual increase or decrease to gain throughout your selection. Different amplitude curve options are available in the Fade Type menu. For in-phase tonal material, a Cosine fade curve will work well, while the Equal power fade type can be more effective on noisy material.


Fade Type

  • Log: Logarithmic fade for general use
  • Linear: Linear fade for general use
  • Cosine: Cosine fade for crossfades of in-phase tonal audio material
  • Equal power: Equal power fade for crossfades of noisy audio material

Fade is available as an option in the Instant Process menu. When Fade is selected and Instant Process is enabled, the active settings in the Fade module will be applied to your selection. For example: if the Fade module is set to Fade in: Log (as shown in the image above) the Fade in: Log type of fade will be applied every time you use the Instant Process Tool in ‘Fade’ mode.

RX 9.3.0

